Signature Initiatives

Center on Sustainability and Governance in the Anthropocene (C-SAGA)

Professors Pamela McElwee and Rachael Shwom (Department of Human Ecology) were awarded a National Science Foundation CRISES planning grant for a Center on Sustainability and Governance in the Anthropocene (C-SAGA).  

C-SAGA explores the policy innovations needed to address the interdependence of ecological and socio-economic systems; spatially and temporally distant and diffuse environmental impacts; novel conditions of deep uncertainty about many emerging problems; and the potential for irreversible tipping points, cascades, and feedbacks in the earth system.  

“We are facing an interdependent and interconnected world in which environmental problems are far more complex than ever before. Scientists need to move beyond describing these complexities and engage in helping to design solutions that are both nimble and inclusive”

Dr. McElwee

C-SAGA has three central case studies under development by working groups where Rutgers has notable research strengths:

Fishing Boat
1. Fisheries and Marine Governance in the Face of Rapid Environmental Change 
Reef fish and Cassava Meal

2. Safeguarding Island Food Systems Under a Changing Climate


3. Equity-driven Nature-based Solutions to Biodiversity Loss

Fisheries and Marine Governance in the Face of Rapid Environmental Change 
Safeguarding Island Food Systems Under a Changing Climate
Equity-driven Nature-based Solutions to Biodiversity Loss

C-SAGA Public Symposium

RCEI teamed with the C-SAGA principal investigators to host a public symposium, “Sustainability Governance in the Anthropocene,” on May 7, 2024Our plenary speakers included Dr. Jennifer Clapp, Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee; and Dr. Meredith Gore.   You can watch their presentations at the symposium here. Following the public symposium, the working group teams met for a two-day workshop to further develop the full grant.   

C-SAGA Summer School

McElwee and Shwom also led the first ever Summer School in Sustainability Governance in partnership with RCEI Twenty-nine early-stage researchers from 20 institutions across the US, Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the UK convened at Rutgers in August 2024 to learn about governance issues, strengthen research capacities across a range of skills, and build a cohort of like-minded scholars. Learn about the experiences of the RCEI Fellows who were supported to attend this Summer School.
Summer School in Sustainability Governance students at Rutgers, August 2024

 “I know I speak for everyone when I say the discussions, insightful guest speakers, and opportunities for relationship-building were truly invaluable.”

A student in the 2024 Summer School in Sustainability Governance

Other RCEI affiliated faculty involved in C-SAGA includes Julie Lockwood (Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources), Robert Kopp (Earth and Planetary Sciences), Marjorie Kaplan (Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute), Victoria Ramenzoni, Cara Cuite, Karen O’Neill, and Cymie Payne (all from the Department of Human Ecology), Danielle Falzon (Sociology), and Kevon Rhiney, Kevin St. Martin and Jesse Rodenbiker (all from Geography) and Andrea Restrepo-Mieth (Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy). 

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student, postdoc, or faculty interested in sustainability governance and participating in the planning process please contact Rachael Shwom at or Pamela McElwee at