Jobs / Internships / Academic, Professional & Funding Opportunities / Competitions
Graduate Program in Atmospheric Science at Rutgers University with specific areas of research including causes and mechanisms of climate change, storm prediction, clouds, radiation, aerosols, and land-atmosphere interactions. Application deadline for full consideration for financial aid is December 15, 2024.
Graduate Program in Geography at Rutgers University with areas of interest including human geography, physical geography, and human-environmental geography. Graduate students participate in numerous interdisciplinary programs and research centers at Rutgers, including the various area studies centers, the Office of the State Climatologist, and more. Application deadline for full consideration for financial aid is January 15, 2024.
Graduate Program in Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers University. Application deadline for full consideration for financial aid is December 1, 2024.
Graduate Program in Marine Sciences at Rutgers University, with research opportunities in real-time studies in the coastal ocean using advanced underwater instrumentation; biological and geological processes at deep-sea hydrothermal vents; remote sensing and ocean modeling; advanced underwater optics and fish behavior; biodiversity and marine molecular biology; coastal geomorphology; organism-sediment interactions; cycling of organic and inorganic materials in the ocean; watershed ecosystems. Application deadline for full consideration for financial aid is January 1, 2025.
The Department of Human Ecology at Rutgers University offers the Human Dimensions of Environmental Change Graduate Certificate Program. The certificate program represents a collaboration among faculty from several graduate programs, and allows students to examine the political, cultural, economic, historical, and other human dimensions of environmental change while carrying out studies in an existing graduate program.
The Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution at Rutgers University offers graduate education and training in microbial, plant, animal, and human ecology. Application deadline for full consideration for financial aid is December 15, 2024.
The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University offers Graduate Programs to prepare students for careers in areas such as the design of healthy communities, community development, environmental and land use policy, political processes, regional development and planning, transportation policy and planning, and urban redevelopment. Application deadline for full consideration for financial aid is January 15, 2025.
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rutgers University offers a Master of Science Degree and Doctor of Philosophy with areas of specialized study including geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, and water resources and environmental engineering. Application deadline March 1, 2025.
No scholarships posted.
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, seeks proposals for Energy Social Science Research Projects. PON 5857: Energy Social Science Research Projects will fund research in five targeted research areas, with a sixth area for proposers to scope new research questions.This solicitation is open to social researchers working for academic or research institutions located anywhere, but empirical research must be conducted in New York State. Applications due February 19, 2025.
NOAA, Hydrographic Services Review Panel (NOAA). Nominations due February 21, 2025.
AGU, 2025 Honors Nominations. Applications due February 28, 2025.
NOAA, NOAA Coastal Resilience Fellowship Program. This fellowship provides a unique, two-year opportunity for early-career professionals to gain hands-on experience. Successful applicants will support Climate Resilience Regional Challenge grant recipients as they implement projects that build climate resilience within coastal communities. Applications are due February 28, 2025.
- One of the fellowships, Education and Engagement Fellow, will be with mentor Lisa Auermuller to ensure that multiple education, engagement, and training activities are planned and implemented in conjunction with the other core activities of the Ready NJ project.
No PhD opportunities posted.
Rutgers University, Postdoctoral Research Position Studying Postdoctoral Research Position Studying Interactions Among Commercial Fisheries and Offshore Wind. [Posted January 28, 2025].
Rutgers Climate and Energy Institute, Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Biodiversity and Renewable Energy. Apply here. [Posted January 7, 2025]
Rutgers University, Faculty, Tenure-Track Position - Center for Climate, Health, and Healthcare. Applications due March 31, 2025.
Rutgers University, School of Public Health Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice - Open Rank Faculty Positions. Applications due June 30, 2025.
The Energy Foundation, New Jersey Deputy Director. Encouraged to apply as soon as possible. [Posted February 3, 2025]
Rutgers University, Extension Specialist (CY)-Marine Aquaculture. [Posted January 28, 2025].
Gold Standard, Senior Officer – Assurance Review Management (Agr). [Posted January 21, 2025].
E Co., Principal consultant | climate change – Energy, Infrastructure, Industry. [Posted January 14, 2025]
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Climate and Health Data Scientist (re2). [Posted January 14, 2025]
Rutgers University, Class 8 -Teaching Non Credit - New Jersey Climate Change Corps (2024-2025). Applications due March 1, 2025.
Environmental Resources Management, Managing Consultant, Climate Change (Senior Level). [Posted November 12, 2024].
Environmental Resources Management, Consulting Associate, Climate Change (Entry Level). [Posted November 12, 2024].
Mississippi State University, Assistant Professor in Meteorology. [Posted November 12, 2024].
Western Kentucky University (WKU), 9-month tenure-track Assistant Professor of Disaster Science. [Posted November 5, 2024].
For more information about the Rutgers policies and procedures for limited submissions, please see Rutgers Office for Research website.
NSF, NSF Regional Innovation Engines. Internal applications open on a first come first serve basis, due February 4, 2025.
Google, Google PhD Fellowship Program - North America and Europe. Internal applications due February 13, 2025.
Columbia Bank Foundation, Columbia Bank Foundation Grants. Internal applications open on a first come first serve basis. [Posted January 21, 2025].
FDSS, Faculty Development in geoSpace Science (FDSS). For internal application due date, RU-NB, RU-N, RU-C, RBHS: check with your LSO coordinator. [Posted January 21, 2025].
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), release REsearch in FLoquet Engineered QuanTum Systems (REFLEQTS) Solicitation. Aims to fund groundbreaking research in Floquet Engineered Quantum Systems with a specific focus on “engineering novel states of matter with enhanced functionalities in quantum systems.” Expressions of Interest (EOI) due January 24, 2025 to Full proposals are due March 14, 2025.
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Releases FY 2025 Directors’ Research Initiative – Energy for Agility. White papers due January 31, 2025 and full proposals due April 1, 2025.
National Science Foundation (NSF), releases New DRK-12 Resource Center on Transformative Education Research and Translation Solicitation. Full proposals due February 28, 2025.
The National Sea Grant Law Center, The 2025 Coastal Resilience Program. Letter of Intent due March 5, 2025. Full proposals due March 7, 2025.
National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Crop Protection and Pest Management Funding Opportunity. Address high priority issues related to pests and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels. Applications due March 6, 2025.
NSF, releases Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-1 Solicitation. Full proposals due March 19, 2025.
The National Science Foundation (NSF), Releases New Translation and Diffusion Solicitation. Applications due April 1, 2025.
The National Science Foundation (NSF), released the updated Security, Privacy, and Trust in Cyberspace (SaTC 2.0) solicitation. Aims to increase trust in global cyber ecosystems and includes the security, privacy, and resilience of cyberspace. Full proposals due September 29, 2025, and January 26, 2026, and annually thereafter.
Department of Homeland Security, FY 2024 Long Range Broad Agency Announcement; basic and applied research on risk reduction of environmental hazards to infrastructure & improved disaster mitigation strategies. Call remains open until May 31, 2029. White papers & full proposals accepted on a rolling basis.
The Department of Navy, seeking proposals for Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) mission. Proposals due June 20, 2025. Additional snapshot information.
Department of Energy (DOE), releases $500 Million Open Call to Seed Investments in Fundamental Research in the Physical Sciences. Pre-applications due January 7, 2025 and full applications due February 27, 2025.
Department of Defense (DOD), releases FY 2025 Minerva Research Initiative FOA. Researchers strongly encouraged to submit white papers to by November 29, 2024. Full proposals due February 28, 2025.
USDA, Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grant Program. Applications due February 13, 2025.
Belmont Forum, funding calls for Tropical Forest Research. Proposals due May 30, 2025.
National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Higher Education Challenge Grants Program. Applications due March 11, 2025.
National Institute of Food and Agriculture, AFRI Foundational and Applied Science Program: Grants in Six AFRI Priority Areas. [Posted January 7, 2025.]
- Plant health and production and plant products: Ensures continued production gains are achieved through break-through discoveries and the translation of these into plant production and protection practices.
- Animal health and production and animal products: Uses new knowledge gained from research (using biotechnology, breeding techniques, etc.) to develop better management strategies for both conventional and organic production systems to enhance production efficiency, improve animal health and welfare, and develop high quality animal products for human use.
- Food safety, nutrition, and health: Established to provide the scientific foundation for addressing public demands for safe and nutritious foods, using a transdisciplinary approach, and to define previously unrealized opportunities for improving food safety, quality and nutrition along the value chain.
- Bioenergy, natural resources, and environment: Supports foundational and applied research and integrated projects to promote, improve, and maintain healthy agroecosystems and the natural resources that are essential to the sustained long-term production of agricultural and forestry goods and services.
- Agriculture systems and technology: Emphasizes the interrelationships between agricultural systems components to develop the next generation of engineered systems, products, processes, and technologies.
- Agriculture economics and rural communities: Established to promote economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable agriculture and resilient rural communities.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), solicitation period for new Hydrographic Services Review Panel members. Applications due February 21, 2025.
No engagement and outreach opportunities posted.
Nature, News Intern, Nature News. Applications due February 26, 2025.
Internships/Experiential Learning Opportunities: Spring 2025 11:374:483 Internships in Science Communication. Read requirements here before applying.
The Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation and U.S Department of Energy, Research Internship in Sustainable Bioenergy (RISE). This internship program provides bioenergy research opportunities and is geared toward students from groups underrepresented in STEM. Applications due February 20, 2024.
NJ Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability, 2025 Green Jobs Fair. Takes place March 4, 2025 at the College Avenue Student Center, New Brunswick. Open to all students and recent graduates.
No professional development opportunities posted.
NJ Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability, 2025 Green Jobs Fair. Takes place March 4, 2025 at the College Avenue Student Center, New Brunswick. Open to all students and recent graduates.