Navigating Our Watershed in a Changing Climate – A Teacher Workshop on Watershed Awareness

Rutgers EARTH Center 42 Riva Avenue, South Brunswick, NJ, United States

Abstract: Join us for an interactive teacher workshop, Navigating Our Watershed in a Changing Climate, designed to empower educators with the knowledge and tools to integrate watershed education into their classrooms. This workshop, focusing on the Lower Raritan Watershed and climate change, will equip you with a deep understanding of watersheds, their importance, and practical strategies to inspire and educate ...

EPS Colloquium: Pedro Val, CUNY Queens College

Wright Auditorium, Busch Campus 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ, United States

Speaker: Pedro Val, CUNY Queens College. More information here. 

Workshop: Building Your Broader Impact Around Climate Change and Energy

Cook Student Center 59 Biel Road, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Do you want to move beyond the basics of a graduate student or developing a website for your next National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal's Broader Impacts plan? Would you you like to explore engaging ways of developing a Broader Impacts project that benefits society? We invite Rutgers scientists in all career stages to participate in this workshop. Our goal is to ...

Webinar: Scale-dependent Landscapes of Fear: Case Studies with Carnivores

Speaker: Remington Moll, University of New Hampshire Remington Moll is an Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Managements at the University of New Hampshire, USA. There he leads a research group that studies the spatial community, and population ecology of carnivores and their prey, with a focus on how these species respond to anthropogenic pressure and how human-induced landscape change.  More ...

RUSA Sustainability Town Hall

Student Activities Center 613 George Street, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Join the Rutgers University Student Assembly and the Office of Climate Action for a sustainability town hall. We will share updates on climate action at the university, ways to get involved, and answer audience questions. More information here. 

Fungal Biotechnology for Insect Biocontrol

Thompson Hall - Room 206 96 Lipman Dr, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Speaker: Brian Lovett, USDA ARS  More information here. 

Resistant Ecologies in a Landscape of War: Lessons from South Lebanon

TIL–264 50 Joyce Kilmer Ave, Piscataway, NJ, United States

Speaker: Munira Khayyat, New York University.  Abstract: What worlds take root in war? This talk takes us to the southern border of Lebanon where resistant ecologies thrive amid perennial gusts of war. In frontline villages, armed invasions, indiscriminate bombings, and scattered landmines have become the conditions within which everyday life is waged. Here, multi-species partnerships such as tobacco-farming and goat-herding ...

HackRU – Best University Sustainability Hack

Busch Student Center 604 Bartholomew Rd, Piscataway, NJ, United States

The Office of Climate Action is sponsoring the “Best University Sustainability Hack” at HackRU 2024! We are offering first, second, and third place prizes to the teams that create the best hacks to promote sustainability, environmentalism, and/or climate action in colleges and universities. HackRU is a 24-hour hackathon at Rutgers University. They welcome hundreds of students to build awesome tech ...

Rutgers Green Jobs Fair 2024

College Ave Student Center 126 College Ave, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Are you looking for a job or internship related to sustainability? Join the Rutgers Green Jobs Fair to learn how to embrace sustainability in any career path, network with sustainable employers and enjoy free pizza!  More information here. More information here for students. More information here for employers.