Foreshocks and aftershocks: March quake was warning of 4.8 temblor, and more could come

Abi Cohen2024

“Seismograph” by Hitchster on Flickr

An earthquake in early March  in New Jersey, initially measured at 2.2, is now seen as a foreshock to the magnitude 4.8 quake felt in early April, followed by over 50 aftershocks. Foreshocks are rare, but they hinted at the larger event. Aftershocks are common, with around 30 occurring the day after the main quake, expected to continue for weeks. RCEI Affiliate, David Robinson stated “If only there were more minor foreshocks, for if so, they might alert us to a more prominent quake ahead. There is nothing uncommon regarding the many aftershocks from last Friday’s quake.”

Read the full article here.