Giant viruses played a key role in early life, study in Yellowstone hot spring suggests

Abi Cohen2024

Following new studies, so-called “giant viruses” are believed to have been important in the early stages of life on Earth, based on research conducted at Yellowstone hot springs. Scientists, including RCEI Affiliate Debashish Bhattacharya, found evidence of ancient viral activity, suggesting these viruses could have influenced the development of early microscopic life forms. Previously, researchers assumed none of the giant …

What scientists are hoping to learn from the NJ earthquake and aftershocks

Abi Cohen2024

Scientists are installing seismometers near New Jersey’s recent earthquake epicenter to monitor aftershocks and study fault movements. Geologists are intrigued by the unusual event and aim to identify the fault responsible. RCEI Affiliate, Ken Miller emphasized the importance of these seismometers. He stated “With enough seismometers, we will be able to pinpoint this with some of the aftershocks that are …

Surf Clams Off the Coast of Virginia Reappear – and Rebound

Abi Cohen2024

Rutgers scientists point to improved environmental conditions as possible reason The Atlantic surf clam, an economically valuable species that is the main ingredient in clam chowder and fried clam strips, has returned to Virginia waters in a big way, reversing a die-off that started more than two decades ago. In a comprehensive study of surf clams collected from an area …