Alastair Bellany Awarded Fellowship at Prestigious Institute for Advanced Study

Oliver Stringham2023

School of Arts and Sciences scholars to spend academic year at center founded by Einstein and others. Four faculty members in Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences, including RCEI Affiliate Alastair Bellany, have been awarded memberships for the 2023-24 academic year at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, one of the world’s foremost centers for intellectual inquiry into the sciences and the …

Rutgers Team to Receive $1 Million in Federal Funding for Smart Kids and Cool Seniors Project

Oliver Stringham2023

The National Science Foundation’s CIVIC program helps community-university partnerships combat climate change and improve access to essential resources and services. A team of researchers at Rutgers University–New Brunswick, led by RCEI Affiliates Clint Andrews, Jennifer Senick, and Jie Gong, has been selected to receive a $1 million Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC) award for a community-university partnership that combats climate change and improves …

Rutgers Helps to Develop New Mapping Tool to Coordinate New Jersey Coastal Resilience Projects

Oliver Stringham2023

The Department of Environmental Protection announced the launch of an online mapping tool that will help the public, stakeholders and government officials advance work that is needed to bolster the resilience of New Jersey’s coastal areas to climate change. The Coastal Ecological Restoration and Adaptation Planning Tool (CERAP Tool), provides the locations of at-risk areas, coastal resource restoration sites, and …

New Book on Climate Change and Estuaries is the Brainchild of Rutgers Marine Scientist

Oliver Stringham2023

National Estuaries Week, which will be observed this year from Sept. 16-23, is an annual celebration of the environmental significance of estuaries. Established in 1988 as National Estuaries Day, it was expanded to a weeklong observation to increase public awareness of the critical ecological and societal importance of estuaries. The new publication, Climate Change and Estuaries, showcases the value of estuaries …

Why the Sea Ice in Antarctica is Alarming Scientists

Oliver Stringham2023

It’s currently winter in Antarctica, but that doesn’t mean the polar region is exempt from the extreme temperatures that are scorching the world. While normally the ocean around Antarctica freezes in the winter, growing sea ice that is essential to the marine food web, this year that ice isn’t growing as usual. “What we’re seeing this year we’ve never seen …

Using Evidence From Last Ice Age, Scientists Predict Effects of Rising Seas on Coastal Habitats

Oliver Stringham2023

Extent of future warming will dictate impacts, according to research involving a Rutgers scientist. The rapid sea level rise and resulting retreat of coastal habitat seen at the end of the last Ice Age could repeat itself if global average temperatures rise beyond certain levels, according to an analysis by an international team of scientists from more than a dozen …